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Latest Updates

General Update

1/2/25 - SafeOCS Newsroom Item

SafeOCS Releases Updated Offshore Well Control Equipment Failure Reporting Form and Guidance

As part of its responsibility to continually improve the quality, efficiency, and value of the safety data it collects, the SafeOCS program has released an updated form and accompanying guidance documents used for required reporting of well control equipment (WCE) failure events in the oil and gas industry operating on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).

The form update improves the accuracy and completeness of reported data, reduces the time needed to complete the form, and supports deeper understanding of WCE events and supporting ongoing efforts to improve safety in offshore operations. The revised form incorporates valuable feedback from industry stakeholders and incorporates the latest safety best practices.

Specific form updates include clarifying field titles, including mutually exclusive choices, clarifying potentially confusing terminology, and reducing the use of free text fields by providing additional dropdown choices. In addition, SafeOCS has streamlined form functions by regrouping fields into sections that emphasize equipment details and removing unnecessary fields.

Along with an updated form, SafeOCS has revised associated guidance documents to further clarify instructions for operators about how to accurately and efficiently report WCE events using the online system.

SafeOCS is sponsored by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), and independently administered by Bureau of Transportation Statistics’ (BTS) Precursor Safety Data Analysis Program.

BSEE requires all oil and gas operators on the OCS to report failures of WCE under 30 CFR § 250.730(c) of BSEE's Well Control Rule. Under the rule, operators must submit WCE failure reports directly to BTS as BSEE's designee under regulations for collecting WCE failure data and reports. Operators must also follow the failure reporting procedures contained in API Standard 53 (incorporated by reference in 30 CFR § 250.198).

BTS operates the SafeOCS reporting system, including the online reporting form. As an independent federal statistical agency, BTS has the authority and obligation under the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act and the agency's authorizing statute to protect the confidentiality of your data, including but not limited to company information, personally identifiable information, and sensitive or proprietary information. By submitting to BTS, your data are protected from release to the public, BSEE, and other non-CIPSEA federal agencies.

Learn more:

General Update

11/26/24 - SafeOCS Team Member Frank Adamek Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Frank Adamek headshot The University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering presented Frank Adamek, P.E., with a Lifetime Achievement Award, at the Oct. 10 Cullen Gala, in Houston. The award is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon individuals who have made extraordinary and lasting contributions to the field of engineering and technology. In addition to his many other contributions to the oil and gas industry, Adamek is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) who applies his expertise with operations on the Outer Continental Shelf to reviewing the accuracy and consistency of data submitted to SafeOCS.

Frank Adamek has over 40 years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry in a variety of engineering, R&D, and quality leadership positions. Frank’s illustrious career spans over four decades involving him with nearly all elements of the oil and gas arena for both onshore and offshore operations. An engineer at heart, he has a natural curiosity of learning as much as possible about a topic and mechanical system. This has served him well over the years, as he has tackled some of the industry’s most difficult challenges. From the burning wellhead fires in Kuwait, to helping in NASA’s return to flight initiative after the Challenger failure, to leading a key recovery effort for Macondo, to representing the industry in various capacities in Washington DC, Frank has served the industry honorably and continues to do so today, including as a SafeOCS SME.

The Cullen Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor that the Cullen College of Engineering can bestow, and it is reserved for those who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, innovation, and dedication throughout their careers. Adamek was joined at the ceremony by his family, including his three grandchildren.

Frank Adamek Family Photo

Learn more:

General Update

11/4/24 Mary Kay O’Connor Safety and Risk Conference

SafeOCS Attends 2024 Mary Kay O’Connor Safety and Risk Conference

SafeOCS team at Mary Kay O'Connor Safety and Risk Conference Representatives from the SafeOCS program sought to grow connections with health, safety, and environment industry and academic stakeholders at the Mary Kay O'Connor Safety and Risk Conference in October 2024, in College Station, TX.

In addition to sharing the value of SafeOCS with industry and academic stakeholders, the team promoted the recently published SPPE report and encouraged attendees to explore SafeOCS data in reports and dashboards.

SafeOCS team Meeting at Mary Kay O'Connor Safety and Risk Conference The conference was also an opportunity to use newly redesigned booth components, which the team staffed a booth in the main conference hall. The team also initiated connections with other organizations within the hall and attended several conference sessions related to safety improvement.

During the conference, the members of the team met several attendees interested in other BTS-administered voluntary data collection programs, including SafeMTS (which has programmatic and stakeholder connection to SafeOCS) and transit close call programs.

Learn more:

SPPE Update

SafeOCS Releases 2023 Report on Oil and Gas Production Safety System Events

The SafeOCS program recently published a report summarizing safety and pollution prevention equipment (SPPE) failures that occurred on oil and gas wells in the Gulf of America Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) during the 2023 calendar year.

The 2023 Annual Report: Oil and Gas Production Safety System Events, produced by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), is one of many resources SafeOCS provides to help the oil and gas industry capture and share key lessons from significant near-miss and other safety events to prevent, identify, and mitigate potential high-consequence risks.

The report is based on information collected through SafeOCS and includes an analysis of reported events involving SPPE valves and other key information about the events, such as root causes and follow-up actions.

In addition to the annual report, SafeOCS provides monthly SPPE safety data updates and other industry-wide safety data via online dashboards. Reporting of SPPE failures is required by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) under regulation CFR 250.803. All SPPE failures must be reported to SafeOCS, administered by BTS, as BSEE’s designated third party for collection of this information under CFR 250.803(d).

Learn more:

ISD Update

7/20/24 SafeOCS at the North America Drops Q2 Forum

Representatives from the Bureau of Safety and Envrionmental Enforcement and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics presented information related to SafeOCS at the North America Drops Q2 Forum. The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to hear from industry leaders on their views of preventing dropped objects.

Presentations included an overview of SafeOCS’s voluntary near-miss data progran, Industry Safety Data (ISD), as well as a report on dropped object events within the SafeOCS database. The appearance was part of SafeOCS’s ongoing efforts to engage the offshore energy industry and encourage participation in ISD.


SafeOCS at OTC 2024

The SafeOCS team was please to have the opportunity to connect with industry stakeholders at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), in May 2024 in Houston.

SafeOCS Team Members at OTC 2024

We were able to share how SafeOCS supports a safer Outer Continental Shelf by collecting and analyzing equipment failure and near-miss data, and we encouraged additional participation in the voluntarily reporting Industry Safety Data (ISD) program.


Find us at OTC 2024 (Booth 608)

SafeOCS will again be an active participant at this year’s Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas, May 6-9. Our team looks forward to engaging with SafeOCS participants and industry professionals to share our work and learn about stakeholder needs.

ISD Update

SafeOCS ISD Program Update at OTC 2022

On May 5, 2022, SafeOCS provided an update on the Industry Safety Data (ISD) Program at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas. In addition, they met with representatives from participating companies to discuss prospective program enhancements. Presentation materials from the program update portion of the meeting are available here.

ISD Update

Industry Safety Data Program for the Oil and Gas Industry: Phase 1 Report

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) has released the Industry Safety Data Program for the Oil and Gas Industry: Phase I Report. This publication provides information on a range of safety data including reportable and non-reportable events that were observed during oil and gas operations in the Gulf of America, Outer Continental Shelf from 2014 to 2017. Nine companies participated in the pilot (Phase 1) of the Industry Safety Data program. Key learnings from this report include:

  • ISD Phase I participating companies agreed on the value of sharing data for both consequential and lesser events which had the potential to lead to a major event.
  • Legal and confidentiality concerns expressed by participating companies were satisfied with the protections afforded under the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (CIPSEA) and with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between BTS and individual participating companies.
  • A process was developed to map data from individual companies to a single database thereby successfully addressing the technical challenge associated with collecting, mapping, and aggregating data from different company-specific databases.
  • The Phase I participating companies collectively identified core data fields to be shared in order to generate meaningful learning opportunities for industry to further improve safety.

Although the results described in this report represent only nine companies and thus should not be interpreted as being representative of the entire offshore industry sector, they illustrate the data analysis process that could be implemented for the industry-wide ISD Program.

SafeOCS Informational Event

Learn from BTS and BSEE about SafeOCS's Industry Safety Data (ISD) Program

Open Plenary Followed by One-on-one Sessions

BTS and BSEE staff will provide an overview of SafeOCS, including the program's origins, goals, scope, and methods. Attendees will hear about SafeOCS progress to date, ongoing efforts, and near-term plans for the program. The speakers will explain how companies can participate in the SafeOCS Industry Safety Data (ISD) program. This session is intended to provide attendees with the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions. Your feedback and questions will help us to expand the FAQs about SafeOCS and improve the overall understanding of this voluntary program.

Dates, locations and session times are listed below.


First Event:
Location: Baker Hughes
Baker Street Conference Room
2001 Rankin Road
Houston, TX 77073
Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Plenary)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (One-on-one sessions)


Second Event:
Location: BSEE GOA Regional Office, Room 545
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70123
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2018
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Plenary)
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (One-on-one sessions)


SafeOCS Informational Event

BSEE is sponsoring four events on the voluntary SafeOCS Industry Safety Data program to facilitate further dialogue with the industry and encourage participation in the program.

General plenary sessions will be offered, and interested parties can schedule one-on-one sessions with the SafeOCS team. The plenary sessions are intended to provide attendees with the opportunity to give feedback and ask questions. Your feedback and questions will help us to expand the FAQs about the SafeOCS and improve the overall understanding of the voluntary program.

Dates, locations and session times are listed below.


First Event: Learn from BSEE about SafeOCS (Open Plenary)

BSEE representatives will provide an overview of SafeOCS, including the program's origins, goals, scope, and methods. Attendees will hear from BSEE on SafeOCS progress to date, ongoing efforts, and near-term plans for the program. BSEE will explain how companies can participate in the Phase II of the voluntary Industry Safety Data (ISD) program.

Monday July 16 – New Orleans, LA – 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
BSEE GOA Regional Office
1201 Elmwood Park Blvd, Rm 125
New Orleans, LA 70123


The July 16th meeting will be followed by three day-long events in three different locations to have in-depth discussions with BTS technical staff about the SafeOCS data system. Each day will include an optional abridged version of the July 16th meeting, followed by one-on-one sessions. BTS staff will meet with your company to discuss the SafeOCS ISD program and explore specifics about how to join Phase II. If you have any questions about the SafeOCS program and why your company should participate, these sessions are for you!


Second Event: Meet with BTS about ISD

Tuesday, July 17 – New Orleans, LA – 8:00 am to 9:00 am (Plenary), 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (one-on-one sessions)
One Shell Square
701 Poydras Street
New Orleans, LA 70139


Third Event: Meet with BTS about ISD

Wednesday, July 18 – Lafayette, LA – 8:00 am to 9:00 am (Plenary), 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (one-on-one sessions)
Fieldwood Energy
2014 West Pinhook Road
Suite 800
Lafayette, LA 70508


Forth Event: Meet with BTS about ISD

Tuesday, July 24 – Houston, TX – 8:00 am to 9:00 am (Plenary), 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (one-on-one sessions)
Fieldwood Energy
2000 West Sam Houston Parkway
Suite 1200
Houston, TX 77042


SPPE Update

SafeOCS SPPE Briefings for Industry

July 13 and 14, 2021

BSEE and BTS representatives will provide an overview of results from recent SafeOCS safety and pollution prevention equipment (SPPE) annual reports and data products. Please share this announcement with others in your organization who may be interested.

Briefing for Operators
Location: Microsoft Teams
Date: Tues. July 13, 2021
Time: 10:00 am Central time / 11:00 am Eastern time
Duration: 1 hour
Registration: Click here to register

Briefing for Original Equipment Manufacturers
Location: Microsoft Teams
Date: Wed. July 14, 2021
Time: 10:00 am Central time / 11:00 am Eastern time
Duration: 1 hour
Registration: Click here to register

SPPE Update

New SPPE Form Training Webinar on Mar. 31 and Apr. 7

We are offering additional dates for our SPPE form training webinar. The training will cover how to submit a report, an overview of recent form changes to the form, and any questions you may have.

Two identical training sessions were hosted in February. If you missed these prior sessions, please follow the registration instructions below and share this announcement with others in your organization who may benefit from this training.

  • Registration Instructions:
  • Email with your name, company/organization, and which session you wish to attend. After your registration is processed, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to connect to the session.

** Note: The training session for both days are the same. Please select the one that best suits your schedule. **

Third Training Session:
Location: Webinar
Date: Wed. March 31
Time: 10:00 am Central time / 11:00 am Eastern time
Duration: 1 hour

Second Training Session:
Location: Webinar
Date: Wed. April 7
Time: 10:00 am Central time / 11:00 am Eastern time
Duration: 1 hour

If neither of these times works for you, please email to schedule a separate training session.

SPPE Update

New SPPE Form in 2021

The SafeOCS program has released an updated version of the SPPE (Safety and Pollution Prevention Equipment) failure notification form. Please use the new form for all 2021 SPPE failure notifications.

Share the news about the form update with interested parties within your organization and across the industry. Interested parties include anyone who may be responsible for reporting an SPPE failure.

  • Why was the form updated?
  • The form was updated to improve the following:
    • Data quality
    • Data collection consistency
    • Data analysis and identification of learnings
  • How was the form changed?
  • This is an overview of the types of changes made to the form.
    • Added a header
    • Regrouped fields to create logical sections and better overall structure
    • Clarified text for often misused fields
    • Provided additional and remove unnecessary drop-down choices
    • Modified input field type (e.g., offer drop-down choices when appropriate)
    • Added key fields such as failure type and contact information
    • Cleaned up acronym list
  • Will there be training sessions?
  • BTS will hold a webinar (date TBD) to review the new form, highlight changes, and answer any questions. More information on the webinar, including information on how to register, is forthcoming.
  • Where do I submit completed forms?
  • Do not email completed forms. All forms must be submitted through the SafeOCS secure portal: If you do not already have an account, click "Create an Account." Once logged in, click "Upload Word Form" to submit your completed form.

    In early 2021, you will be able to submit an online form rather than a word form. The online form is currently under construction.

  • Who should I contact with questions or concerns?
  • Please respond to this e-mail or send a message to the SPPE Program e-mail at
SPPE Update

New SPPE Form Training Webinar on Feb. 17 and 18

Please join us for an online training session to learn about the new SPPE form to be used for all 2021 failure notifications, available at (click "Submit Notifications and Supplemental Files"). During the training, we will discuss the reasons for the form update, the changes made, and answer your questions.

Please share this announcement with others in your organization who may benefit from this training.

  • Registration Instructions:
  • Email with your name, company/organization, and which session you wish to attend. You will receive a confirmation email with information on how to connect to the session.

** Note: The training session for both days are the same. Please select the one that best suits your schedule. **

First Training Session:
Location: Adobe Connect
Date: Wed. Feb. 17
Time: 10:00 am Central time / 11:00 am Eastern time
Duration: 1 hour

Second Training Session:
Location: Adobe Connect
Date: Thurs. Feb. 18
Time: 2:00 pm Central time / 3:00 pm Eastern time
Duration: 1 hour

If neither of these times works for you, please email to schedule a separate training session.

WCE Update

BTS releases the 2017 Annual Report: Blowout Prevention System Safety

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) has released the 2017 Annual Report: Blowout Prevention System Safety, which provides information on equipment component failures occurring during drilling and non-drilling operations on rigs in the Gulf of America (GOA) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The reporting of such events is mandated by the Well Control Rule (WCR), published by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), Department of the Interior. The publication of this report represents a groundbreaking collaboration between industry and government stakeholders and is a significant milestone in promoting safety on the OCS. The report includes an analysis of equipment component failures and other key information such as root causes of failure events, follow-up response to failures, and opportunities to improve data quality. In 2017, the first full year of mandated WCE reporting, 18 of 25 operators in the Gulf of America reported 1,129 rig equipment component failure events, and the notifications involved 45 of 59 rigs operating in the Gulf of America. The 18 reporting operators represent 90.2 percent of new wells drilled in the Gulf of America. The report begins by analyzing aggregate equipment component failure data and then, in separate sections, presents statistics on the reported events for the two major types of BOP stacks (subsea and surface). Both types of BOP stacks were associated with component failures and most notifications were associated with the more complex subsea BOP stack (92.5 percent).

Key findings:
  • The top four reporting operators represented 81.8 percent of reported component events and 32.7 percent of new wells spud in the Gulf of America for 2017.
  • There was a decrease in overall reporting from 2016 to 2017. The event reporting rate adjusted for rig activity (defined as events per 1,000 BOP days) decreased from 122.3 in 2016 to 59.8 in 2017.
  • There was an increase in reporting equipment component failures while not in operation for rigs with subsea BOP stacks. The percent of subsea, not-in-operation notifications for 2017 was 86.4 as compared to 79.8 percent for 2016.
  • There was a decrease in the rate of unplanned stack pulls for rigs with subsea BOP stacks. In 2016 the rate was 7.2 percent and in 2017 it was 5.6 percent.
  • Based on follow-up documents submitted to SafeOCS, only 12 of the 18 components involved in unplanned stack pulls were sent to shore for further analysis by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or a third party, despite the expectation of a root cause failure analysis (RCFA) for every stack pull.
  • Of 1,044 subsea events in 2017, one reported loss of containment of synthetic oil based mud (drilling fluid) during in-operation rig activity. No surface stack events resulted in loss of containment.
  • Leaks remained the most frequently reported observed failure and wear and tear remained the most frequently reported root cause of failure events in 2017 as they were in 2016.
WCE Update

SafeOCS Program Expanded to Accept Equipment Failure Data

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) today announced the expansion of reporting of 'near misses' on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) through the SafeOCS program to now include the confidential collection of equipment failure data in an effort to further reduce the risk of offshore incidents.

Effective immediately, the offshore oil and gas industry will have the option to submit equipment failure reports for well control equipment, required under the Well Control Rule (30 CFR 250.730(c)), directly through SafeOCS. Effective Nov.7, industry will be required to submit reports for pollution prevention equipment, required under the Production Safety Systems Rule (30 CFR 250.803), through SafeOCS as the Chief's designee. All reports submitted through SafeOCS are collected and analyzed by BTS and are protected from release under the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (CIPSEA).

"We are encouraging industry to quickly begin taking advantage of the SafeOCS expansion," said BSEE Director Brian Salerno. "Shared awareness of safety trends better equips us all to quickly focus on emerging issues and thereby drive down the risk of serious incidents."

In August 2013, BSEE and BTS signed an interagency agreement to develop and implement SafeOCS, as a voluntary program for confidential reporting of 'near misses' occurring on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Today's expansion enables the SafeOCS system to be used to submit these required regulatory reports.

For notification forms, guidance, and additional information - or to submit reports, go to

Send email Phone icon1-844-OCS-FRST (1-844-627-3778)